
Summer 2- What keeps us alive?

Welcome back to Summer Term 2

This term our topic is called

What keeps us alive?

During this topic, we will be focusing on Science and learning about our basic needs to stay alive. We will study the importance of food, exercise and keeping mentally healthy. We will also learn how the digestive system works, the function of our bones and muscles and how to look after our teeth.

Our writing genre this term will be story writing. We will be reading “George’s Marvellous Medicine” and studying the features of a good story, ready to write our own stories at the end of term.

Our PE days will be on Monday (gym) and Friday (Athletics)

Useful websites

BBC Bitesize

Spring 1

What did the world look like in the roaring 20’s?

This term our topic is ‘What did the world look like in the Roaring 20s?’ During this topic we will be learning about daily life in the 1920s with a focus on the popular art, music and entertainment during this decade. We will also be developing our sewing skills to create some 1920s inspired art textiles.

PE will take place on a Monday and a Thursday. Please come into school wearing your PE kit on these days. As the days get cooler, don’t forget to wear tracksuit bottoms and a jumper.

Mrs Pike will change any books as needed but please remember to put them in the book tray at the start of the day.

Recorder lessons will take place on a Monday afternoon.

Ways to support your child at home

Please listen to your child read every day at home. This does not have to be their reading book, however we would like to see that these are being read at least four times a week.

Please help your child to practise their number bonds (to 10/20/100) and their times table target. These will be given to the children early on in the first term. Every Friday the children will be given a short Times Tables Quiz based on these targets.

Children will be given a Mathletics username and password. This is an an excellent way for children to practise a variety of Maths skills online. Other useful websites include Topmarks, BBC Bitesize, ICT Games and Cool Maths Games.

Each week, the children will be given a set of spellings to practise at home. They will be quizzed on these every Friday.